After just thinking about, and writing about, wall calendars I did what I inevitably do when I think of wall calendars, which is to think of "face clocks".

There are two things that I insist on having in my house. One is at least one wall calendar. The other is a face clock in every room. There's just something "happy" about a face clock, I think. It's not that I look at any of them all that often. Lke pretty much everybody else, I rely on one of the many, many, digital clocks that are pretty much "everywhere".

I'm not one of those people who thinks that digital clocks have stopped, or slowed down, the process of children's learning how to tell time. In fact, my daughter was three when she impressed me with her understanding of the concept of time, and of minutes and counting them, by looking at the digital clock on the microwave oven. She also seemed to kind of be teaching herself to read by looking at the manufacturers names on kitchen appliances, so one must never underestimate the educational resources in one's kitchen. But I digress...

In all seriousness, I noticed that my daughter learned to read face clocks fairly effortlessly, probably because the task of learning some of the related concepts of time had already been accomplished with her awareness of how the digital clock, and minutes, worked.

This, of course, may just because I grew up in a pre-digital-clock era; but I just think there should be a face clock in every room in the house because a face is friendlier than a number, particularly than red numbers. The face clock doesn't have to be hanging on the wall. In fact, I wouldn't want a wall clock in every room. No, instead it can be a pretty clock on a table somewhere (or something like that). It just has to have a face, preferably an attractive look (although a basic clock is still friendlier looking than a digital one).

I've asked myself if my "thing" about clocks (and calendars) reveals some deep, psychological, issue that I have. On the one hand, I'll admit that I also have a "thing" about being organized and on time. On the other hand, though, I've certainly learned that life doesn't always go by clocks and calendars.

No, I don't really think my "thing" about clocks (or calendars) is some deep, psychological, thing. It's as simple as wanting things a little more friendly looking in the house by giving things like walls and little tables the only kind of life to them that they'll ever have, which is reminders of the ever-moving nature of time; along with the never-changing nature of a mother/friend/sister who aims to offer anyone in the home a friendly face and the knowledge that if they need something while they're there it's as easy to find as the walls and/or the little tables that aren't far from them.

Photo: ME Whelan