I love a good discussion and appreciate it when others share their own ideas. Because of that, I tend to feel freer about sharing my own ideas, whether they're the same or different from someone else's. In fact, I just kind of assume that offering a different take on things makes for a better rounded discussion. What I've always been self-conscious about, and what, at times, does run the risk of having someone else just think one is "being contrary" for the sake of it, is that many people believe that "different take" equals something very different from (and a lot more objectionable than) enthusiastic appreciation of "a real discussion".

Not everyone particularly appreciates a "take" that's different from his own.

Since I'm really not "socially clueless" at all, that's one thing that makes me refrain from "trying to contribute" to a lot of discussions by adding my own comment (or "two-cents' worth).

When people are on a social site like this one, who remain silent (in the name of not wanting his motives for enthusiast "contributions in the name of 'sharing-a-take-is-genuine-participation") say nothing, it's not really a big deal.

In offline and more personal relationships, however, being someone who always wants/needs others to agree with what one says can set up for, or place a person at higher risk for, some pretty unhealthy situations in personal relationships. It doesn't do much for others who have learned that remaining silent and/or saying only what someone else wants to hear either.

I don't know... It's just unfortunate that the idea of people's having different takes on different matters is so mistaken for being "unfriendly" when - in reality and in one way or another - it's really intended to be just the opposite of "unfriendly".